
C&J and Snatch Seminar

Saturday, May 4, 2024 12pm-5pm

Location: Society CrossFit, Modesto

Cost $139

Led by Head Coach Graciano Rubio, this Seminar will cover the fundamentals of the Clean & Jerk and Snatch! 


This could be especially useful for those:

  1. Wanting to add 5-10lbs to your lifts
  2. Wanting to incorporate weight training to your fitness routine
  3. High school athletes using the weight room

Wellness Weeks

May 6-19th, 2024 

Date: Week 1: Mon May 6th, Thu May 9th, Week 2: Mon 13, Tue 14, Thu 16; cost $35 (if pass; includes shirt)

Location: CrossFit ValleyView, Los Banos; Regular class time

Our goal during Wellness Weeks is to assess your health through 15 performance metrics. 

Each of our Wellness levels represents an improvement in the 10 domains of fitness = increased health. Movement requirements are based on a key tenet of CrossFit that states progression should be applied through mechanics, consistency, and intensity.

Book a Pre Snapshot meeting today to optimize your success during wellness weeks.